Born to nothing ☺xx

I was a child

Who was born to nothing

But had the world 

To call my home

So I spent my life a traveling 

So i would never 

Be on my own

With my good horse 

To pull me

And my lord 

To guide the way 

I traveld through the valley’s 

To the mountains faraway 

I fell in love in Ireland 

To a girl who worked the fare

In her eyes there was a sparkle

There was sunlight in her hair

She did agree to marry me 

And together we travel on 

So now I have a family 

And a world to call my home

For a man 

Who was born to nothing

I will try to do my best

I will take only 

What is earned by me

And leave for you the rest

With honesty and dignity 

I will work hard for any pay

So you can put your trust in me

Next time I’m down your way 

From a child 

Who was born to nothing

Who became the man 

You see today

Who will always give you everything 

Straight from the heart of me

Forever we will share this home

Our family is you and me

And for this man 

Who was born to nothing 

That’s more than enough for me ☺xx
Poem written by urban gypsie

Painting by urban gypsie 

All work and photo credit (c) 2016 urban gypsie art